About a month ago I was skyping with my lovely Chicago sista's, Mabrie & Rachael. Right before we hung up, we were talking about if we could do anything, what would we do? None of us really answered, as babies started crying, husbands got home from work, and we all decided we needed to hang up. Ever since then, this question has remained in my head...and I have been dreaming about what could be next in my life.Not that what is going on in my life isn't awesome right now, but I could see some big things on the horizon if I kept toying with the idea.Also, not that I have time to ponder these things right now, as we just moved into our new place on Saturday, I am in the middle of a few projects at work, and I am of course, have been busying myself with projects I don't have time for.
I get in these moods sometimes when things feel uncertain or changing. Example: the last two times I thought about going to grad school were 1)before I graduated undergrad, and 2)as we were leaving seminary a few months ago.I honestly would love to...keep doing what I'm doing AND:keep designing and expand my business.maybe even start a creative design group with my friend Erikka.go to seminary or grad school (for what...I don't know)go to cooking school.open a bakery. (um, I have already found the perfect building in Middletown for a bakery or storefront/office)For the mean time, I need to concentrate on today...or this week. (aka settling our house!).Here is one of my favorite summer recipes for you to enjoy the last month of summer. I love it because it is so fancy tasting, and a very quick dinner. You just have to have everything ready (this is key!)Still unsure? Do you like pizza from those Neapolitan places where the crust is cooked in a wood-burning oven? Then you'll love this, I guarantee it. Bon Apetit.
Grilled Pizza
Weight Watchers Points+ 8 servings: 9 points depending on toppings+crust Serves 8 (1 mini pizza each)
Pizza Dough (Store bought or see my recipe below)Toppings of your liking: see below the recipe for ideas.Oil (any of these: canola/veg/olive) & pastry brush
1. Fire up the grill to medium high heat (if using charcoal, make sure your hotspot is off to the side and not right in the middle)2. Prep your toppings and roll out your dough. If using the recipe below, this makes 2 pizza's or 8 mini pizza's. Do not roll it out TOO thing or it will do one or both of these things: a. rip in half as you are putting it out on the grill or b. crisp up and you will have too crackery of a crust.3. Once grill is nice and hot, bring your dough out to the grill on a cookie sheet. Brush the top side of your dough with oil.5. Take pizza and put it on the grill OILED SIDE DOWN. The oil is so it will not stick to the rack.6. Cover and wait 90 seconds to 2 mins. Check underside of the crust. Cook until light golden brown.7. Oil top (raw) side of dough while bottom is cooking.8. When ready, flip the pizza so the raw side will cook.9. IMMEDIATELY get your sauce, cheese and toppings on the pizza. CLOSE grill to trap heat inside and melt your cheese.10. Cook until cheese is melted. Keep checking the underside of your crust to make sure it doesn't burn.Suggestions for toppingsAlicia's FavoriteMozzarella Cheese, Shredded or in my case: Rice Mozzarella Cheese (I can't remember the brand I like, but there are two at Whole Foods that are shredded and I do NOT like Daiya)Canned Pizza Sauce (if you want to drop some $, go with San Marzano pizza sauce, if you're looking for cheap and delicious, RAGU!)To be completely honest, I would do half just plain cheese and half with meat+mushrooms for Andrew.BBQ ChickenYour favorite BBQ sauce (any will work)1/2 red onion slices (I prefer slices to diced because diced almost "sneak attack" you when you bite in)Rotisserie Chicken (I just buy one, and shred the breasts and save the rest for Andrew's lunch the next day)Mozzarella Cheese (or Rice cheese if you're me)Chicken PestoRotisserie Chicken, shredded off the bone.Pesto SauceMozzarella CheeseTomatoes (choose sundried or sliced fresh)And last but not least; how about a little meat? This is the pizza that my dad makes me get him when we order takeout.Yooper Special (call your cardiologist tomorrow) :)Pizza SauceMozarella CheesePepperoni (I like to get fresh sliced from the deli because they are a lot bigger and you can use less...plus they are fresh and not all dried out)Crumbled Sausage, cooked on the stove first (remove the casing or buy it without)Crumbled Bacon (you can cook your own before or use the microwave kind)Mushrooms (saute them first on the stove so they brown)*What is a Yooper?
Alicia's Favorite Pizza Dough Recipe
Weight Watchers Points+ 8 servings-1 mini pizza each: 5 points for just the crustMakes 2 pizza's or 8 mini pizza's
I have used this recipe for years. While I have tried others, this one works every time. If you can, use my favorite flour: King Arthur Bread Flour. It gives the best rise & makes the best crust!