back and better than ever!
it's 2011 it's 2011 it's 2011!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to scream it from the roof tops! this year has seemed so far off in my mind for so long, and it's finally here, and for some weird reason it feels so of our new resolutions was to majorly cut back on our eating out expense. Hence, the restart of my food blog...with a twist. I am currently on the Weight Watchers program, so no more Julia Child butter fests or quarts of heavy cream. Hopefully I'll be able to post my recipes and my results.
Now for the eating out bit: we haven't eaten out since December 30th, 2009 and it was at one of our favorite restaurants. Boy...we did ourselves in. Then of course we had to top the end of the year off with fried wings (they had buffalo wild wings sauce on them!!!), homemade french onion dip, and an assortment of cocktails and my favorite Chicago's own Goose Island Matilda....with fun friends and a nice round of Wits and Wagers before midnight. Ya. Total that all up to a nice 8 pound weight gain (don't forget to add in all the caramel, truffles, and toffee I made as gifts aka snacked on while making for Christmas).My experience so far this year (5 days in!) has consisted of Garlicky White Bean dip, Potato Leek soup, Mushroom Parmesian Crostini's, General Tso's chicken, and more. Tonight was Taco Wednesday, but unfortunatly Andrew had to work last minute, so the fiesta has just been for uno, me plus my Ina Garten cookbook I just picked up from the library.
Tacos I made were pretty standard....hard shell, grassfed ground beef, topped with the food equivalent of GOLD (corn salsa from Trader don't walk to one right now and purchase).But my new go to sweet treat is Black Bean Brownies. Now, I used a regular size cake pan, so they are really thick this time = more points+ used. But usually I use the biggest size pyrex I have and they are about 2-3 points+.Get ready here is the recipe. Lots of ingredients.
Dark Chocolate Black Bean Brownies
Weight Watchers Points+ in a 9x13 cake pan: 5 points
What you get is really nice cakey but still fudgey brownies with no fat or oil added. Try mixing in some espresso powder or a Starbucks Via for a flavor enhancer!
1 family size box Dark Chocolate Brownie Mix1 can black beans
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.2. Puree black beans in a food processor until smooth (dump the whole can in not drain!)3. Combine dry mix and beans in a kitchenaid or by hand until smooth.4. Spray pan with cooking spray (I used 9x13).5. Put mixture in pan.6. Bake for 35 minutes, checking at 30mins to see if they're done depending on your oven.